• Question: all the midical discoveries are amazing but what happens when we find the cure to everything cancer and maybe even death will the earth suffer from this ? will science end this natural cycle of life and death ?

    Asked by 796heac39 to Andy, Dwaine, Natt, Priya, Tatiana on 23 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Tatiana Trantidou

      Tatiana Trantidou answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      This is a very interesting question. I believe that nature always finds a way to balance itself, when one disease is cured another one is developed. I can’t predict what will happen, but I don’t think we will be able to cure everything in the future.

    • Photo: Priya Hari

      Priya Hari answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      I don’t think that everything will ever be cured and even if a scientist found a way that we could live forever, I think life might become more like a sci-fi film. People may find more hi-tech ways of killing each other or making life miserable in ways that we probably can’t imagine yet!

    • Photo: Andrew Scott

      Andrew Scott answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      I think that there are so many different diseases and ways we can fall sick that we’ll never cure them all. Even if we could cure them all we couldn’t do it in a way that we could afford it. It’s a sad fact, but we can’t afford to treat every disease in every person.
