• Question: has anyone ever had 2 hearts?

    Asked by yo_momma to Andy, Dwaine, Natt, Priya, Tatiana on 12 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Andrew Scott

      Andrew Scott answered on 12 Jun 2015:

      Not that I know of and I think it would cause big problems with the plumbing of your blood vessels.

      There are lots of variations in the heart structure though, including people who have their heart on the wrong side and the wrong way around!

    • Photo: Tatiana Trantidou

      Tatiana Trantidou answered on 12 Jun 2015:

      I’ve read once about a man who was born with two hearts in the 1800s. I’ve also heard about two other people, who were normally born with one heart but it didn’t work properly, so the doctors transplanted an extra heart to help the diseased heart recover.
