• Question: Is there a chance that the Earth could one day just explode randomly?

    Asked by ☆ ⓙⓌⓑ ☆ to Andy, Dwaine, Natt, Priya, Tatiana on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Andrew Scott

      Andrew Scott answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      No, I don’t think so. I think we could get hit by an asteroid though that wipes out all of the life on earth. We should be able to predict that happening though.

    • Photo: Dwaine Vance

      Dwaine Vance answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      I dont think this is likely – but if humans continue to destroy the workd with toxic gases or nuclear war becomes a possibility then parts of the workd would explode to beyound repair 0 but i hope that this does not happen #PEACE

